The ESPResSo project is dedicated to advancing hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite solar cell (PSC) technology to a new level of maturity. This innovative technology has recently achieved cell efficiencies comparable to established thin-film PV technologies, like CIGS and CdTe, and is approaching crystalline silicon records.
Our goal is to scale this breakthrough from cell-level efficiency to a stable, cost-effective module technology. The project aims to produce a 35x35 cm² perovskite module* with >17% efficiency and long-term reliability (over 20 years), meeting IEC standards. We seek to achieve an electricity cost as low as 0.05€/kWh in Southern Europe, using industry-relevant manufacturing techniques.
The project will also explore building-integrated facade elements to validate the technology’s impact on the future European energy supply. Additionally, we will prototype flexible and high-transparency modules to demonstrate the versatility of this advanced thin-film PV technology.
* Perovskite photovoltaic modules use perovskite materials as the light-absorbing layer in solar cells. This new technology offers potential benefits over traditional silicon panels, including higher efficiency and lower production costs.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement nº764047.