Onyx Solar has supplied its Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Glass that has been installed as a Photovoltaic Spandrel in the IETU building, located in the city of Katowice, in the south of Poland.



eastern bank photovoltaic façade onyx solar




  • superficieTotal Area - 113 M2
  • electricidad generadaElectricity generated in 35 years  - 319,172 kWh
  • puntos de luzTotal lighting points operating 4 hours per day in 35 years - 327 lighting points
  • emisiones CO2 evitadas CO2 emissions Avoided in 35 years - 247 Tons of CO2
  • barriles petroleo ahorradosBarrels of oil saved in 35 years - 188 barrels


Example of a feasibility study of crystalline silicon photovoltaic façade in Katowice:


  • superficie Payback time  < 6 years
  • electricidad generada Internal rate of return (IRR)  17.7 %




* Onyx Solar Energy S.L. makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content in the report is accurate, complete or up to date.


The PV glass was installed in the spandrel areas of the building, between the floors of the headquarters of IETU (Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas) institution.



photovoltaic spandrel ietu building 3



The installation has 113 m2 and it is composed of 98 units of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Glass with 2 different measures of 1,240x865 mm & 1,240x991 mm.


Each module has a glass configuration of 4T + 4T mm and features a black rear frit that brings the glass a black appearance and turns it completely opaque



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IETU (known as Instytut Ekologii Terenów Uprzemysłowionych in Polish) is an independent research institute acting under the Minister of Climate and Environment. The research and services offered by IETU focus on environmental challenges posed by industrialized and urbanized areas in the context of circular economy, resource efficiency, adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its effects.


It was established in 1972 as the Katowice Branch of the Institute for Environmental Protection and got the status of the Environmental Protection Centre. In 1992 it became an independent unit under the name of the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas. 



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The project has been supported locally by SolarOffice and Bartosz Wiśniewski, Onyx Solar’s local partner for Poland.



Owner: Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas (IETU)

General Contractor: ZEG

Installer & Onyx Solar’s Local Representative: SolarOffice 


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