Building the Digital Thread for Circular Economy Product, Resource & Service Management
Programme: H2020. European Commission.
CircThread´s main objective is to unlock access to product data and use it for enhanced CE decision making across the product life cycle. CircThread will enable to capture and share both data and CE decisions as part of a collaborative information infrastructure, providing a Circular product chain of custody.
Information covering product status, materials, resources, critical raw materials, product lifespan, environmental, social, end-of-use options, that will be linked to Circularity Strategies, from products maintenance and lifespan extension, to refurbishment, repair and re-use, re-manufacturing and finally recycling.
Develop a digital thread across the product life cycle with accessible information.
Provide integrated life cycle sustainability and circularity assessment methodologies.
Support sustainability and circularity assessment standards in Europe.
Empower companies, consumers and consumer organizations.
Evaluate product re-use and recycling, for policy monitoring.
The project will test 7 use cases: product tracking and tracing, product manufacturing, spare parts recovery, end of use aspects, lifespan extension, critical raw materials and chemicals, consumer´s behaviour.
The use cases address economic, environmental, circularity and social aspects.
The uses cases will be tested in 3 demos focusing on the home appliance sector and home energy systems.
Currently ongoing project.
This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement Nº 958448.