Triple Glazing Photovoltaic Glass

triple grazing laminated glass

In order to achieve even better thermal insulation, semi-transparent triple glazed insulating photovoltaic glass units could be considered as a possible solution. Generally they consist of an additional inner pane of 0.24 in (6 mm) thick glass which is incorporated into the double glazed unit.

Argon filling can be used with the chamber for a better thermal performance in the same way that the previous case.


triple grazing laminated glass table


* Dimensions in inches, T = tempered glass according to UNE-EN12150.

** Only non-heat treated, inactive glass can be cut to size on-site. When the glass is cut it losses its photovoltaic properties and it cannot be connected electrically.

***The IGU glazing is customized in all cases according to the requirements of the project.


Contact Onyx Solar for further information in photovoltaic glass



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