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Onyx Solar participate in ESPResSo Project, an Ambitious EU Funded Collaboration Project to Make Perovskite Solar Cells a Market Reality. The leader in photovoltaic glass for buildings joins in a new collaboration to research the next generation of photovoltaic materials for integration in construction, Perovskite cells.

Onyx Solar takes part in the European project REZBUILD (Refurbishment decision making platform through advanced technologies for near Zero Energy Building Renovation), which main goal is to develop one refurbishment ecosystem based on the integration of cost-effective technologies, business models and life cycle interaction for deep NZEB renovation to diverse residential renovation typologies and interconnecting both, building renovation stages and stakeholders.

Onyx Solar is working on a Photovoltaic Greenhouse project that aims to demonstrate the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of a greenhouse integrating photovoltaic glass.

EverClean is a transparent, durable, cost-effective and permanent self-cleaning solution for photovoltaic glass.


Contact Onyx Solar for further information in photovoltaic glass



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